Thursday, February 28, 2002

Capek! Aku abis selesai menyetrika & beres-beres lemari pakaian. Duh, apa dosaku sih punya baju segitu banyaknya? Tolong dong, ada yang mau bantu aku nggak tiap minggu setrika baju? Kali-kali aja ada yang punya jiwa pembekti gede, hehe.

Tadi aku abis ke BCA nganterin Amy buat complain gara-gara uangnya dia lenyap kira-kira 100rebu. Ternyata di BCA ada Mas Iis & Ka'Acho. Aku sibuk berhai-hai ria deh. Lama tak bersua ya kita.

Dari BCA isi bensin dulu di Dago terus ke Premiere karena si Amy mau beli simcard-nya XL. Akhirnya dapet juga, jadi kita lanjut makan siang yang udah kesiangan di Soto Semarang Jurang. Amy makan buanyaaak sekali! Aku sampe terbengong-bengong liat dia asik nguyah sana-sini. Ckckck.. pantesan kuat makan indomie sekaligus 2. Nggak nyangka ih si Amy.

Setelah masukin laundry di Struktura, kita ke Mooi. Dapet celana pendek buat DoDo. Pulang deh. Abis panas bo'!


Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Segarnya! Aku habis mandi, gerah banget deh di sini. Apalagi tadi abis dari Makro, belanja bulanan bareng DoDo & Amy. Muter-muter nggak keruan capek juga ternyata. Masih sempet ke Griya Buah Batu & makan di Mie Naripan. Makanya gerah banget.

Tadi si Amy di Makro beli cream untuk creambath gedenya segede cat. Makanya awalnya aku & DoDo kira dia mau ngecat, hehe. Lha wong bentuknya mirip gitu lho. 2 kg, serasa mau buka salon deh dia. Itu abisnya kapan ya? Ngak kebayang musti rajin creambath biar cepet abis.

Aku mendapatkan nomer telponnya si Rese Mengge. Pokoknya bakal aku kerjain abis-abisan. Sampe dia nangis-nangis, atau bunuh diri kalo perlu. Hehehe..
Rencana mau ke dokter nggak jadi, berhubung baru bangun. Besok aja deh, itu juga kalo bangun pagi, hehe.
Peppy sayang..
Aku capek deh kalo enak-enak make kamu eh kamu-nya ngambek ditengah jalan. Besok di Landmark ada pameran kompie (Kata si Joe). Kalo kamu ngambek mulu lama-lama aku beli kompie yang baru, biar kamu tahu rasa..

*Emangnya gampang beli kompie baru ya 'De?*

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Kompie-ku ternyata masih belum mau bekerja sama denganku. Lagi enak-enak browsing sana-sini ternyata error juga. Terpaksa goyang-goyang harddisk dikit. Mau juga jalan, tapi tetep aja tengah-tengah hang lagi. Duh, Peppy sayang.. Jalan dong kamu. Sedih deh liat kamu ngambek gini.

Tadi sempet cari celana di Heritage, sayang nggak ada. Kalo emang lagi nyari pasti nggak dapet, eh kalo aku-nya cuman niat liat-liat kok bisa aja nemu yang lutju-lutju. Kejam sekali jeans itu. Lalu kita makan malam di AMpera. Berhubung belom boleh makan jeroan sama Pras, dengan sangat terpaksa aku cuman makan ayam di Ampera. Duh..

Rese mengge, tolong ya!
Kalo nggak punya guts jangan memulai sesuatu deh. Ketauan banget kalo loe itu coba-coba tapi nggak pula nyali. Lha wong ditelpon nggak berani ngangkat. Hiddih, yang benar aja loe. Pengen deh rasanya nge-gampar-in itu orang.
Si DoDo lagi nggak mau kerja, jadi dia asyik maen Playstation aja di rumah. DoDo ganti permainan, sekarang dia maen Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis. Gara-gara si Abi waktu itu maen RE3 di rumahku. Asik deh kalo ditemenin DoDo di rumah gini!

Sebel deh, tadi si rese mengge itu kirim SMS yang menyebalkan ke DoDo. Ih, anjing apa orang sih nggak bisa dikasih tahu? Lha wong si Ireng, anjingku di Jakarta aja kalo dikasih tau masih mau kok, ini yang jelas-jelas manusia kok nggak bisa dikasih tahu? Heran, katanya mahasiswa kok kelakuan kayak anak SD. Atau lebih tepatnya kelakuan kayak perek, ngejar-ngejar cowok sampe mau merendahkan harga dirinya seperti itu. Amit-amit jabang bayi!

Si Lisa juga masih sakit ternyata. Hihi, sakitnya bisa barengan gini ya? Sama-sama penyakit dalam pula. Nggak janjian lho!

Kebelet pipis terus nih aku, gara-gara di suruh Pras & dokter untuk minum banyak-banyak air putih. Kembung!
Ginjalku sakit sekali. Terasa sakitnya udah dari hari Sabtu, setelah makan malem di Kapulaga. Abis makan, karena makannya telat, seperti biasa aku maag-nya kan kumat, jadi aku pikir hanya sakit biasa aja yang sebentar kemudian akan hilang. Tunggu ditunggu kok nggak sembuh-sembuh, padahal udah sampe ke Maskumambang segala dengan rencana mau midnite. Berhubung film-nya jelek-jelek ya kita pulang deh (Tahu nggak? Seperti midnite-midnite sebelumnya, kita ketemu lagi sama si Onta itu. Dapet payung deh ketemu sama dia 4 midnite berturut-turut). It's amazing aku bisa nahan sampe Senen baru ke dokter, hehe.

Minggu aku pergi sama DoDo makan di Pondok Cemara, cari celana di Rumah Mode, dan sempet mencari kepala gas di Borma Setiabudi. Duh, dah jauh-jauh kok kepala gas itu nggak ada ya? Menyesal deh! Akhirnya kita ke rumah si Pras berhubung dos-q belsdey. Acaranya sih makan-makan & nonton "Scary Movie 2". Hohoho.. Akhirnya bisa nonton juga.

Dan Senen aku ke Borromeus, dengan niat mau ke dokter Rizal. Apa mau dikata ternyata dokter Rizal-nya kebanyakan pasien, aku dapet nomer 51 sementara pasien-nya baru sampe nomer 15! Ckckck.. laris manis tuh dokter ya. Akhirnya aku switch ke dokternya si Lisa (tadi ketemu dia, dia ternyata sakit juga), dokter Moeliono. Kata beliau sih aku piala ginjalnya kena apa gitu deh (aku nggak merhatiin banget soalnya sakit berat bo'). Jadi dikasih obat 20 biji harus habis. Ih! Mana ternyata tuh obat mahal bener ya..

Kompie-ku kan rusak parah, trus dibetulin sama DoDo (percuma dong punya yayang jago, ya nggak? hehe). Tetep aja nggak keruan gini ya? Entah deh. Emang musti beli baru nih kayaknya. Hiks, sengsara amat sih aku nii..

Tadi abis nonton "Classic Rock Special" di TPI, yang disiarin konser-nya Poison. Keren, ternigat masa-masa muda *emangnya sekarang udah tua?*

Akhirnya si Annissa Harumi pulang juga ke Bandung.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Duh, nggak jadi pulang. Gara-gara kemaren pas telpon si Jeng ternyata si Babe hari ini ke Semarang pake pesawat pertama & balik lagi hari Senen. Buset, lama amat? Kalo aku maksa tetep pulang toh percuma, lha wong si babe nggak ada, hehe. Ngapain sendirian nungguin rumah? Mana si DoDo nggak mau ikut pula, bener-bener sial deh.

Untung belom beli gepuk buat Tante Nia. Kalo udah terpaksa aku & DoDo berenek-enek ria makan gepuk seperti beberapa minggu yang lalu. Hihi..

Kemaren pas telpon si Jeng dapet banyak gosip bagus deh!
Mari kita coba hack account Hotmail orang!!

*jail deh!*
Bosen? Suka yang aneh-aneh nggak?
Buka di sini & dijamin langsung nggak bisa bobok, hihi..

Amit-amit deh!

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

What's wrong?
Tadi nonton "DR. T & THE WOMEN". Tapi ditengah-tengah seperti biasa ngadat lagi. Musti dibetulin deh nih. Dimana ya? Ada yang tau? Hihi..
C o o l !
Ada niat buat bunuh diri? Liat ini dulu deh biar sukses.
Dingiiin! Ada apa dengan Bandung?
Apa aku yang mau sakit ya?

Asiiik, besok mau pulang! Can't wait..

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Duh, nggak nyangka ternyata aku banyak juga yang musti dikerjakan;
- School Admission yang di States
- Bayar SPP
- Paper "Mith"--> musti tanya si Jay dulu ya 'De!

Kemaren setelah aku ngurus sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dunia akademik, aku jemput si DoDo di kantor. Abis itu ke Teras, makan bareng sama Jay & Pras di CIkapundung terus minjem VCD di Rio, Pasteur. Jauh bo'! Tapi dapet film yang bagus-bagus semua. Bayangkan sebuah ruangan berukuran 3 kali 3 meter persegi (gedean kamarku lah pokoknya!) isinya film melulu. Aku aja sampe bengong & pusing mau pinjem yang mana..

Tolong ya cepet pulang ke Bandung, uang sekolah kamu belom beres tuh..

Monday, February 18, 2002

Dua anak manusia dilanda cinta,
Sejalan dalam nada,
Sewarna dalam rasa..

Dua anak manusia dilanda cinta,
Menangis dan tertawa,
Selalu berdua selalu bersama..

Oh Tuhan,
Tuntunlah langkah mereka dalam bimbang,
redakanlah gemuruh hati dalam kesedihan,

Oh Tuhan,
Tunjukkanlah jalan,
Agar mereka tetap abadi..

Berikanlah jalan untuk aku & DoDo ya.

Sunday, February 17, 2002

"You will marry DICKIE (played by Jude Law) from The Talented Mr. Ripley, live on a seaside resort home on the coast of Italy, and spend your days riding on motorskooters and sailboats and mooching off daddy's money."

Katanya seh! Hehe..
Eh, senang deh. Masa aku ada di blogger-nya di Bukrie lho. Hehe, thank you Say..
Again, what am I doing here at the office on Sunday afternoon? Such a boring moment!

Kemaren aku nonton "BLACK HAWK DOWN" di Maskumambang bersama DoDo & Jay. Gile, film-nya keren bo'. I think that movie kinda reflected on what truly happened there in Somalia. Desing pelurunya bener-bener memekakkan telinga. Kebayang nggak kalo nontonnya di Plaza Senayan terus pake THX sound. Whoa! Serasa perang beneran deh..

Si Jay mungkin nggak bisa tidur atau kepikiran sama film itu makanya dia mencari resensi film itu terus ditulis di sini. Tapi emang bagus sih film-nya, yang buat si Ridley Scott yang buat Gladiator itu lho! Cocok deh kalo ternyata dia masuk nominasi Oscar untuk Best Director.

Selamat Ulang Tahun ya, Feb. Semoga panjang umur & cepet dapet kerja, okey?
Baek-baek ya jaga adekku, hihi.

And last but not least,
Baru lima bulan tapi serasa lima abad kalo sama DoDo deh!
Tengkyu ya Yang buat semua yang kita lalui bersama.

Saturday, February 16, 2002

Mau tahu bakal mati kapan? Aku liat di blogger-nya si Bukrie, trus aku coba sendiri deh. Hasilnya aku bakal mati hari Jumat tanggal 5 Oktober 2057. Berarti aku mati pada usia 79 tahun. Mungkin kah? Bukannya sama dokter usah dibilang usia 25 tahun? Hehe, Wallahualam deh!
Dan berhubung masih boring, iseng-iseng liat astrology dan hasilnya karena aku lahir tanggal 24 July 1978 di Jakarta, Indonesia adalah seperti dibawah ini;

Love Meter
Mercury Conjunct Saturn with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees. You are a serious person and inclined to be somewhat inflexible in your thinking. Since you tend to be rather judgmental, you could only be happy with someone who is in philosophical agreement with you and conceptualizes the world as you do. Sometimes you are rather taciturn.

Past Life
Your Sun is in Leo (Tropical zodiac). Leo symbolizes the consciousness wherein there is strength, creativity and virility, as well as a certain headstrong or willful nature in how you apply yourself in relationship with others. For instance, reading biographical or historical novels about European royalty, daydreaming about the courts of Kings and Queens of modern Europe or ancient times and other grandeurs of the past may bring to your conscious mind memories of previous incarnations when you were at the forefront of things. Hence to this very day there probably remains within you considerable inner strength along with a strong feeling for behind-the-scenes intrigues as well as a powerful sense of individualism. These qualities are probably connected with your past life experiences involved -- directly and indirectly -- with leaders of society and government. You are also likely to have an above-average interest in the great artistic and spiritual accomplishments of the grand cathedrals and great churches of Britain and Europe, as well as the ancient temples of the Mediterranean world. In addition, you may have been one of the higher-ranking Vikings who, like other royalty, also had an exciting lifestyle. And in far earlier times, during and after the last days of Lemuria and Atlantis, you may have been among the Incan pyramid builders in the mountains of South America, the Mayan plains of Central America, and of course, Egypt, the land which is virtually synonymous with great pyramids. The Sun is the ruler or symbol of Leo, and represents strength and soul force. So, Tria Aviana, from the Sun's influence and the past life experiences summarized here, you are inclined to have a special sense of pride and dignity which, depending on how you apply your will and the ideals you have set for yourself, can either enhance or hinder your relationships with others (and hence either advance or retard your soul growth this lifetime).

THE NEW ASTROLOGY is the implementation of the knowledge that you are the Creator of your life. As such, you are free to interpret each planet in your chart on its highest and best level, thereby being the highest and best manifestation of yourself. You determine the level of functioning of your chart and the degree of happiness and success in your life. When you function on this level, your life takes on a richness of dimension it has not had before. You take the responsibility for creating your life the way you would like it to be. You see the planets as those gifts and talents you have chosen to express in this lifetime. You fulfill your limitless potential because you see what CAN be, rather than what cannot. The chart then becomes a guide, rather than the source of your happiness or unhappiness. It becomes a reflection of your own spiritual evolution. Revelation is designed to assist you in that evolution. It is about love and appreciation of the person within, the acknowledgment of the truth of who you are and, as a result, the beautiful expression of that truth. When you express the truth of who you are by being your highest and best, you lift those around you and inspire THEM to be THEIR highest and best. They, in turn, inspire others, and so the light is awakened in one person after another, spreading love, joy and peace across the face of the earth.

Planet By Signs.
Sun in Leo :
Your dramatic flair and ability to see life as a game to be played make you fun to be with.
Mercury in Leo :
You describe everything dramatically, with color and flair. People love to hear you tell a story.
Venus in Virgo :
You demonstrate your affection through service. You love to be needed and will do anything for the one you love.
Mars in Virgo :
You are hard-working and intent on attending to all the details.
Jupiter in Cancer :
You are extremely protective and nurturing of those you love.
Saturn in Leo :
You assume the responsibility for what you create.
Uranus in Scorpio :
Your psychic and healing abilities are powerful. You are ahead of your time in these areas.
Neptune in Sagittarius :
You are inspired by your vision of freedom, truth and peace. Your faith in God is strong.
Pluto in Libra :
Your attitude toward relationships has undergone a metamorphosis. You treat everyone as your equal because you see them as such.
Berhubung boring berat, surfing kanan-kiri nggak jelas, malah dapet Love Match antara aku & DoDo. Ternyata hasilnya seperti dibawah ini;

Taurus (DoDo) & Leo (aDe)
When Taurus and Leo come together in a love affair, they can be a great couple because they know how to stroke one another's egos and love to have their own stroked! They have similar needs: Taurus needs plenty of affection, to be loved and cherished, while Leo likes compliments and wants to be adored and admired. They're both extremely loyal and possessive lovers. Since they have such similar desires, they can generally provide for one another's needs quite well.

These two Signs both love status and possessions. They prize physical comfort and luxury; Leo is often flamboyant about attentions and gift-giving, which will greatly please Taurus, who loves the most traditional forms of courtship. Though they can work together quite well, it's not all roses between these two; both Signs are very stubborn and must work hard to understand and accept one another.

Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love and Money) and Leo is ruled by the Sun (Self). The Sun radiates warmth and light; Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm. Venus is about love, beauty and luxury. This combination of masculine and feminine energy helps these two Signs admire and sustain one another. As a matter of fact, Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun, so they belong close together! The Sun represents life and Venus represents love; as long as they are careful to understand each other, their combination is a positive one.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Leo is a Fire Sign. They are both ambitious but in quite different ways. Leo longs for fame and fortune, while Taurus strives for security and stability in life and love. Since both these Signs expect to be the boss, they may tend to battle for domination. During arguments, Taurus abhors conceding a point, seeing it as acceptance of domination -- unless they see that it's the practical course. Their battles can be fierce and epic, but as long as both of them can be reassured that the relationship is important to their partner, things will go more smoothly.

Taurus and Leo are both Fixed Signs. This means they're both stubborn; once they make up their minds about something, it takes a lot to get them to change it. That's why their arguments can get so intense -- both of them truly believe they're right and that theirs is the only right way to look at an issue! They also both tend to shy away from change; they like to get things settled and then let them continue on as is indefinitely -- even if something could be improved. If they decide that they want their love relationship to stay, almost nothing will convince them to leave their partner. This is good for the stability of the relationship but can be bad if the relationship is destructive or inhibitive.

What's the best aspect of the Taurus-Leo relationship? Their mutual admiration. Both Signs have very powerful personalities, so neither will dominate the other -- no matter how hard they try! Others see them as an excellent match as they share the commitment to fulfilling their goals.
I'm here at the office and it makes me so damn bored. What am I doing here on Saturday afternoon like this?

Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Rodjiuun,
Kemaren si Ivan (yang kerja di Ingram, bukan Ivan yang baru lulus dari Elektro ITENAS) mengabarkan berita kalo minggu lalu Ayahnya meninggal dunia. Aku turut berduka cita ya Van! *Dan begoknya aku nggak nanya lagi meninggalnya gara-gara sakit atau gara-gara banjir*

Friday, February 15, 2002

Ada yang sirik sama aku & DoDo. Bikin bete deh pokoknya, sampe ibu kost ikutan nanya ke aku segala. Kenapa sih mereka?
Good luck on your VSAT Day!
One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them."

(From The Lord of the Ring)

Udah beli buku guide nonton-nya waktu ngabisin point-reward Amex-nya si Babe di QB's World. Tapi kok tetep aje ye bingung nontonnya? Bagusan buku-nya bo'! *Kebayang nggak seh si Abi bisa 3 kali (baca: tiga kali) nonton film ini. Bayanginnya aja aku udah pusing duluan*

Thursday, February 14, 2002

If I Knew..

If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
And pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
That I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
And call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
So I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
To stop and say "I love you,"
Instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
So I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
To make up for an oversight,
And we always get a second chance
To make everything just right.

There will always be another day
To say "I love you," and certainly there's
Another chance to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
And today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
And I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
Young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
You get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
Why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
You'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
For a smile, a hug, or a kiss
And you were too busy to grant someone,
What turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
And whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
And that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
You'll have no regrets about today.

Today is Valentine's Day. But guess what I had just when I wake up this morning? Hah! Bikin bete banget seh. Apa coba mau-nya mereka itu? Nggak jelas ya penjelasannya DoDo? Duh rasanya pengen banget ngegampar mereka satu-satu. Dasar slut-bitch. WHY IN THE HELL THEY KEEP MESSING MY LIFE FOR? Sure like screaming is the best idea rite now.

These kinda problems make me even more sicker that I am right now.. STOP IT!

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Something ridicilous happen today. See, seseorang menelpon aku ke rumah (underline that, ke rumah!) mencari seseorang yang in my wildest dream pun nggak akan kebayang bakal terlintas dari pikiranku. Dan the funny thing was ngapain nyariin dia ke telpon rumahku? I don't have any relationship what-so-ever sama dia. Ih! the first thing that pop in my head was ini pasti dia-dia juga yang ngerjain aku. Heh! Nggak jantan tau! Wanna know something about me then ask me yourself you damn-idiot-freak-moron-dumb-asshole-shit. Jangan sok ngerjain deh, gue bukan anak yang lahir kemaren sore. You mess with me then I'll mess with you.

I guess this PMS gonna last longer than I think..

Monday, February 11, 2002

Lipo Lipo
It's so nice,
They named it twice.

Kebayang mukanya DoDo waktu ngomong ini
Eh jadi kepikiran si Panu, apa kabar ya? Panu #1, Panu #2, Panu #4 dan Panu #5. Panu #3 kangen lho! Bunda apalagi, kangen berats deh.

Buat yang bingung, Panu itu nama boneka singa lautku yang berwarna putih seputih salju (Kecuali yang di Bandung udah rada bulukan gara-gara males nyuci, hehe). Aku punya 5 boneka, dari yang kecil sampe yang gede. Kenapa dikasih nama Panu? Karena warna asli mereka (in my imagination) adalah hitam, tapi semua kena penyakit panu-an yang parah jadi berubah warna jadi putih. Hehe, jadi inget mukanya David waktu aku cerita kenapa namanya Si Panu.
Ah! Udah ada yang ngisi gesbuk, walaupun ngisi-nya pada ngaco, hehe. Biar deh, aku hepi sekali ada yang ngisi. Gesbuk pertama bo! Siapa juga yang nggak hepi?

Tadi si Didi telpon, mengabarkan dia mo merit bulan depan. Kok pada merit semua ya? Aku ketinggalan kereta banget nggak sih, hihi. Insyaa Allah sih pengen juga nikah, tapi mikirin proses-nya panjang lebar itu jadi males deh. Nanti-nanti aja deh mikirnya, yang sekarang perlu dipikirkan adalah bagaimana cara aku mengenalkan DoDo pada kedua orangtuaku? Itu lebih complicated deh kayaknya, hehe.

Trus trus tadi si Jeng telpon, dia sibuk cerita bla bla bla tentang kebanjiran kemaren. Alamak, katanya parah lho! Sampe-sampe keluarga Tante Cimuk jadi refugee di rumahku, hehe. Kebayang ya kalo waktu itu aku jadi pulang ke Jakarta, betapa mengharukan-nya saat aku melihat keadaan kamarku nanti, hiks. Kebayang deh aku pasti sedih lihat koleksi kertas kadoku yang terguling. *Padahal udah koyak-koyak gara-gara sering dipake Didot buat maen pedang-pedangan, hehe*

By the way, nasib koleksi kasetku bagaimana ya? Ampun deh!
Kertas surat, postcard, sepatu-sepatu, tas-tas, boneka-boneka *apa kabar ya keluarga Panu?*, CD's..
OH MY GOD! Kalian jangan hancur ya..

Sunday, February 10, 2002

Doh! Si Mance ban-nya kempes lagi. TOLONG DONG! Makanya punya mobil butut amat seh, hehe..
*Ngomong deh sama diri sendiri, lha wong Timothy juga udah butut kok*
Aku abis pulang midnite sama Yayang, kita nonton "Ocean's Eleven". Yang maen keren-keren semua, kebayang deh bayarnya mahal banget pasti. Eh, tumben lho kita nonton berdua aja, hehe.

Udah pulang nih kita, eh ternyata si Mance ban-nya kempes bo! Jadi kita ke Pelesiran deh nolongin Mance. Bolak-balik aja ya..

Eh, masa beberapa waktu ini ada yang ngerjain aku ya?
Sapa sih? Bikin sebel!
Nelpon ke HP tapi nggak mau ngomong! Nggak jantan!

Thursday, February 7, 2002

Whatta Boring Day!
Another day at home. Ngurusin si DoDo, nyuci-nyuci, menjemur, wah.. capek juga ya! Tadi si Ivan sempet menjenguk si DoDo. Duh, get a life, honey! Masa di rumah muluk sih?
Aku baru aja balik dari Boromeus, capek deh. Jadi ceritanya tadi sore si DoDo itu dateng-dateng dari kantor lemes banget. Ternyata DoDo itu nyender ke tower, eh kesetrum deh. Entah gara-gara petir atau apa, tapi nggak ada petir kok, cuma mendung aja. Aku udah bilang dia musti ke rumah sakit aja, tapi DoDo menolak mentah-mentah. Katanya nanti baik sendiri.

Lha kok makin malem dia makin lemes. Abis makan malah tambah lemes. Untung tiba-tiba aja si Mance dateng. Setelah dibujuk sana sini akhirnya DoDo mau juga ke Boromeus (By the way, aku dikasih tas sama Mance. Thanks ya Man, mwa mwa!). Di Boromeus DoDo diperiksa darah, jantung, macem-macem deh. Sampe akhirnya mau dirawat segala tapi DoDo ogah bandar. Jadi kita pulang deh, setelah mampir dulu di DuTi buat makan, laper bo'! Untung ada Norman. Kalo nggak ada kan aku panik sendiri, hehe.

Tau nggak, Boromeus mahal banget ye! Duh bokek bokek bokeeeek....

Monday, February 4, 2002

Aku baru aja pulang dari kawinannya Indra Lubis. Rame banget deh disana. Rada sebel gara-gara Pasha & Antono nggak bisa dateng, dikarenakan banjir melanda Jakarta. Hehe, nggak dikasih ijin ni ye..

Tadi siang aku makan di Hoka Hoka Bento bareng DoDo, setelah itu nyari kemeja buat DoDo di FOS. Pulangnya dapet tidur kira-kira sejam-an lah. Baru aku didrop DoDo di Rogers, janjian sama Baby buat sanggulan. Duh, kan niatnya nggak disanggul lho! Abis dandan-dandan yang cantik aku & DoDo jemput si Baby & Ade pacarnya Detto di rumahnya Baby. Baru deh melunjur ke tempat kawinannya Indra. Di sana ketemu si Akim, eh ternyata ada Ipe juga lho!

Berhubung nggak kenyang makan di kawinan itu, setelah nganterin Baby & Akim ke Kartika Hotel, aku & DoDo makan berdua di Tamani, kuenyang bo'! Hehe, dasar perut kadut! Bayangkan deh, aku makan di Tamani dengan sanggul + kebayaku. Rada gila ye?

Kemaren waktu malem minggu aku nonton "The Lord Of The Rings, The Fellowship Of Rings" di Maskumambang, rame-rame bareng DoDo, Norman, Ita, Abi, Dauf, Dimas, dan beberapa lelaki yang aku nggak kenal, hehe. Gila tuh film bagus deh, padahal baru judul pertama dari Trilogy Tollkien. Itu aja udah makan 3 jam. Gimana kalo dibuat sekaligus ya? Bisa 7 jam kali, hehe.

Tau nggak? Ada kejadian gila banget di Maskumambang. Ceritanya aku lagi maen Time Crisis bareng DoDo, sambil nunggu loketnya buka. Studio sepii banget, karena cuman ada beberapa orang aja yang nunggu loket buka, berhubunga masih jam 8-an gitu. Eh tiba-tiba ada cowok yang dikejar-kejar terus digebukin rame-rame sama orang-orang yang ada di sana. Ternyata ya cowok itu nodong seorang cewek di kamar mandi, dengan cara menyusup ke kamar mandi cewek. Ceweknya nggak mau, eh malah cewek itu digebuk pake kuci inggris. Buset! Yang bener aje! Waktu si cewek itu kabur, lari-lari keluar dari kamar mandi, masih sempet juga ditusuk pake entah pisau atau obeng. Cewek itu kepalanya sampe berdarah-adrah lho! Bayangin deh, itu cewek pake vest warna putih dan vest putih tersebut langsung bersimbah darah. Ih, syerem deh! Gila bener tuh cowok. Amit-amit deh.