Friday, March 12, 2004


1. Would you ever date someone younger than you?
Lah.. Sekarang juga pacaran sama yang setaun lebih muda. Brondong asik tau :P

2. Someone Older?
Dulu selalu dapet yang lebih tua. Yang paling tua bedanya 10 taun bo'.

3. Loved someone who you knew you couldn't have?
Emangnya ada yang ngga pernah? :(

4. Last time you cried?
Kayaknya beberapa hari yang lalu, karena terharu nonton film apa gitu.

5. Last time you laughed?
Barusan, gara-gara 4eva = Eva Arnaz. Huahaha..

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Happily married, got 2 kids (a boy & a girl), at work running my cafe(s)
& punya tabungan beratus-ratus jeti..

7. What age do you see yourself married at?
27! Makanya sekarang lagi siap-siap. Doa'in ya..!

8. Describe your dream wedding?
Ada 2 wedding. 1st : At Perth, cuma ber-4 (aku, iDo, Amie & Norman). Itu sih cuma di Catatan Sipil.
2nd : At The Malya, by the pool, sorrounded by 50-100 of our closest friends. Semoga bisa terjadi.. Amien!

9. If you could dye your hair one color what would it be?
Udah nyoba berbagai warna. Dari ungu, merah, cappuchino, sampe dark brown.
Sekarang pengen absolute black :)

10. Do you play any instruments?
Piano klasik, les dari umur 5 taun sampe 18 taun. Mabok!

11. Do you work?
Kinda.. Beres-beres rumah & memasak termasuk 'work' kan ya?

12. Do you have braces?
Pernah, selama 3 bulan. Nggak kuat sakitnya! Nggak enak makan & nggak enak ciuman.
Sangat mengganggu sekalee..

13. How many guys/girls have you kissed?
Kesannya 'murah' abeis kalo kiss & tell.

14. Who was your first crush?
Temen se-TK, namanya Diaz. Kemana tuh anak sekarang ya?

15. When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their?
Butt, butt, & butt!

16. Are you the romantic type?
Nggak juga sih. Nggak demen yang menye-menye soal'e.

17. Do you drive?
Iya lah, hari gini masa nggak bisa nyupir?? Ckckck..

18. What kind of car do you have?
1997 Timor DOHC --> hadiah ulang taun ke-19
1996 Peugeot 306 Le Mans --> hadiah masuk RMIT

19. Ever been drunk?
Oh yeah, baby!! Southern Comfort & Countreau Rock!

20. Gotten in a car accident?
Taun 2000. Waktu 'mantan' ngebut pake mobilku di Tol Cikampek.
Sukses menabrak belakang mobil box. Kap mesin ancur total..
Kalo mobil ancur gara-gara konser Metallica diitung juga nggak? :P

21. Broken a bone?
3 kali. 1st gara-gara jatoh terguling dari tangga (6 taun),
2nd gara-gara latian cheers, & 3rd gara-gara latian Tae Kwan Do. Edan!

22. Have you ever got in serious trouble?
Hmm.. Pernah sih. But I managed to get the hell out of it.

23. Have you ever been chased by cops?
Ketilang sih iya.. Terus polisinya aku marah-marahin. Hihi..

24. What's a secret you've never told anyone?
Semua yang aku tau, berarti iDo juga tau.

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